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10 Mar 2011

Planes, trains and brains...

First night out in Bournemouth during freshers.
Well it certainly has been a magnificant potato of a day toay.  Got so much done.  See that's my problem, when I work I can get a lot done, but it's having the initiative to actually START working that I lack often.

So I spent the day in Southampton Airport.  No I wasnt travelling to Islamabad, I was doing research.  For those of you who don't know, this was so I could carry out research for my 5,000 word mini dissertation.  Stupidly, I made this project much harder than it needed to be by choosing a bloody hard subject to research - Air Travel.  I might as well have chosen to research Muammar Gaddafi's views on shoelaces.  Anyway, I got to the airport around 1pm and actually found that people were so co-operative (brand placement there).  I got the majority of my research done in a few hours, just need to get a few more questionnaires filled out and then thats that part done dusted.

Once I'd finished, I headed back on the train to Bournemouth, although I was really tired so I thought I'd take a nap for 2 minutes.  Unfortunately I forgot that being asleep prevents me from checking the time.  So I opened my eyes and saw that we were in Bournemouth station, "Bejeezus!!" I exclaimed and rushed to the exit as it was closing, just missed it.  Fortunately the guard wrote on my ticket to let me get off at the next stop and come back for free.  What a nice chap he was...although he did sign my ticket 'A.Guard', not sure how credible that would have been if it was checked.

No I know that its not 1955, and there is no severe energy crisis, but I've found that a hot water bottle is surprisingly nice!  I mean...its awesome!  HEAT!!  Which is a rarety in this house.  So I'm delightfully comfortable and warm at the moment. 

Oh and can I point out that the news has been doing my head in lately.  Some of its been getting ridiculously stupid.  I really don't care about Mr Sheen (Charlie, not the wood polish).  All these news stories about him are getting so boring.  Front of every newspaper, except the Star and The Sport which still only ever rant about Katie Price and Peter Andre.  But who does care?  What difference does it make to us?  2.5 men was cancelled days ago, yet everything he does still makes the headlines and causes mass discussion, get a grip England. 

Bloody Census

So there we go, a delightful day of work, missing stops and complaining about rich quibblesnebs.  Hope everyone out there has had a good day too.  So, blggrffc blg blggis, I bid you farewell for now.  I'm off to free Tibet...the gorilla that I've kept captive.


Oh and for those of you who remember, this is the montage I made back in September of our first few weeks in this house.  Enjoy...

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